Saturday, July 11, 2015

Slow progress

Things are moving slow for me but I have a lot going on. When I was in school I learned a term, "crip time." Not sure if this verbiage is still in use but what it refers to is the fact that everything takes longer when you have a disability. I'm finding out that this is so true. I'm changing primary care physicians which is good however right now I messed up with the state on some of my caregiver hours, I have a pressure sore, I need medications, and it's all held up until I see my new doctor. Working with the Department of rehab and that is slow process. I have a Van now but it needs service. I'm having to stay in bed which is no fun. I used to be so active and now I find myself so bored. I think about so many other people who have a worse than I do and I wonder how they survive. I guess it's because you have to survive. You really have no choice. In any case I'm not a bad mood I am actually okay. These are just my thoughts as the days go by. Anyway I can distract myself I do.

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